1. Gorbatov P.À., Vorobyov Å.À., Nekrasova N.I. Planning of vibration-disconnecting device for the subsystems of occasions of the passage machines // Engineer. Donetsk: DonNTU, 199?. - P. 110 - 112.
2. The standard of enterprise is STP-50-0135-90 Combines cleansing. System of drive of executive branches P the vibration-disconnecting devices. Choice of rational dynamic and structural parameters of vibration-disconnecting devices. Method. - Gorlovka: Gorlovskyy machine-building plant by him. S.Ì. Kyrova, 1990. – 16 P.
3. Ukrepin S.À. Decline of the dynamic loadings in the turning block of cutting of the cleansing combine ÃØ500 the Student advanced study // Engineer. - Donetsk: DonSTU, 1999. – 60 P.
4. Gorbatov P.À., Guliaev V.G., Kostukevich F.V. Dynamic properties of the nonlinear system of drive of coal combine P the dempfer device of // Information of higher educational establishments. A mountain magazine is Donetsk: DPI, 1978. - P. 127 - 130.
5. Guliaev V.G., Gorbatov P.À., Lisenko N.M. Some questions of dynamics of the electromechanics system of two-motive drive of executive branches of coal combine of a 1ÃØ-68 // Information of higher educational establishments. Electromechanics is Donetsk: Donetsk orders of labour red colour polytechnic institute, 1976. ¹ 5. - P. 553 - 558.
6. Gorbatov P.À., Guliaev V.G., Kostukevich F.V. Scientifically-methodical bases of optimization of dynamic properties of the systems of drives of executive branches of mountain combines are Donetsk: Donetsk orders of Labour Red Colour polytechnic institute, 1976. – 35 P.
7, 8. Gorbatov P.À., Petrushkin G.V., Lisenko N.M. Mountain machines and equipment - In 2 ò. Ò.1, 2 - Donetsk: RYA DonNTU, 2003. - 295 P.
9. Gorbatov P.À. Scientific bases of development of mechanotronical subsystems of drives of executive branches of passage combines are the // Mountain information-analytical bulletin. - Ì.: MGGU, 2004.
10. Mizin V.À., Mizin S.V. Ground of kinematics chart of drive of executive branch of passage combine for optimization of the modes of destruction of breeds of a different fortress is // Engineer. - Donetsk: DonNTU, 2003. ¹ 3. - P. 144 - 146.
11. Drysh P., Kliaynert H.V., Khaf Å. New materials of cutting insertions of chisels of passage combines of the electoral action // Glukauf.-1992.-¹5.-P.85-91.
12. Drysh Ñ. Research on the choice of conical chisels and economic speed of cutting for the passage combines of the electoral action // Glyukauf. -1992. -¹5. -P. 91-97.
13. Hicenko N.V. To determination of parameters of the system of serve of executive branch of passage combine the // Mountain information-analytical bulletin. - Ì.: MGGU, 2003.
14. Gorbatov P.À., Vorobyov Å.À., Andibor À.Ì. Disipative parameters of vibration-defense devices of the toothed-springing type // Engineer. - Donetsk: DonNTU, 199?.
15. Gorbatov P.À., Vorobyov Å.À., Ukrepin S.À. Establishment of rational parameters of vibration-defense device of the toothed-springing type // Engineer. - Donetsk: DonNTU, 199?.
16. Guliaev V.G., Gorbatov P.À., Kondrahin V.P., Lisenko N.M. Some conformities to the law of forming of the dynamic loadings in the interactive systems of coal combines of // Information of higher educational establishments. A mountain magazine is Donetsk: DPY, 1976. ¹11 - P. 107 - 110.
17. Guliaev V.G., Semenchenko À.Ê., Gorbatov P.À., Tarasevych V.I. Method of research of dynamic descriptions and structure of transmissions of executive branches of coal combines of // Information of higher educational establishments. A mountain magazine is Donetsk: DPI, 1973. ¹11 - P. 106 - 110.
18. Guliaev V.G., Gorbatov P.À. Research of free turning vibrations of the system of drive of executive branches of combine of a 1Ê101 // Information of higher educational establishments. A mountain magazine is Donetsk: Donetsk orders of Labour Red Colour polytechnic institute, 1972. ¹3 - P. 99 - 103.